How David
Attenborough are you?
Compare your travel history to Sir David Attenborough's to reveal how you measure up compared to the greatest travel documentarist and wildlife advocate of our time.
Take the quiz to establish how David Attenborough you are and share with your friends!
How to play
Simply select the countries you’ve visited (or would like to!) from the list below, or click them on the map above.
Once you’ve finished, click the button to view your score and see how your travels compare!
Our research shows David Attenborough has visited 88 countries around the world to film documentaries as part of his TV career (and 338 different locations within those countries). But, we'd love to hear from you if you think there's somewhere we missed - let us know at
Places I've been
My Wishlist
Share your David Attenborough score with friends and see how you compare!
Hashtag #HDARU?
Our research shows David Attenborough has visited 88 countries around the world to film documentaries as part of his TV career (and 338 different locations within those countries). But, we'd love to hear from you if you think there's somewhere we missed - let us know at